P M Stubberfield, B Balet and J G Cordey,
“Extrapolation of the high-performance JET plasmas to D-T operation”,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 33 No 11 (September 1991) 1255-1287
B Balet, J G Cordey and P M Stubberfield,
“Determination of local transport coefficients by heat flux analysis and
comparisons with theoretical models”,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 34 No 1 (January 1992) 3-31
B. Balet, P.M. Stubberfield, D. Borba, J.G. Cordey, N. Deliyanakis, C.M.
Greenfield, T.T.C. Jones, R. Konig, F.B. Marcus, M.F.F. Nave, D.P. O'Brien, F.
Porcelli, G.J. Sadler, K. Thomsen and M. Von Hellermann,
“Particle and energy transport during the first tritium experiments on JET”,
Nucl. Fusion 33 No 9 (September 1993) 1345-1363
B. Balet and J.G. Cordey,
“Heat transport with strong on- and off-axis heating”,
Nucl. Fusion 34 No 8 (August 1994) 1175-1181
Yu F Baranov, X Garbet, N C Hawkes, B Alper, R Barnsley, C D Challis, C
Giroud, E Joffrin, M Mantsinen, F Orsitto, V Parail, S E Sharapov and the JET
EFDA contributors,
“On the link between the q-profile and internal transport barriers”,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 46 No 8 (August 2004) 1181-1196
Yu F Baranov, C Bourdelle, T Bolzonella, M De Baar, C D Challis, C Giroud, N
C Hawkes, E Joffrin and V Pericoli Ridolfini,
“Effect of hysteresis in JET ITB plasma with LHCD”,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 No 7 (July 2005) 975-993
D J Kelliher, N C Hawkes, P J Mc Carthy and contributors to the EFDA-JET
“Comparison of TRANSP-evolved q-profiles with MSE constrained equilibrium fits
on JET”,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 No 9 (September 2005) 1459-1473
I. Voitsekhovitch, X. Garbet, D. C. McDonald, K.-D. Zastrow, M. Adams, Yu.
Baranov, P. Belo, L. Bertalot, R. Budny, S. Conroy, J. G. Cordey, L. Garzotti,
P. Mantica, D. McCune, J. Ongena, V. Parail, S. Popovichev, D. Stork, A. D.
Whiteford, and JET EFDA contributors,
“Density dependence of trace tritium transport in H-mode Joint European Torus
Phys. Plasmas, 12 (2005), 052508
I Voitsekhovitch, K-D Zastrow, B Alper, G Bonheure, X Garbet, V Kiptily, E de
la Luna, D McCune, D C McDonald, S Popovichev, S E Sharapov, D Stork and JET
EFDA Contributors,
“Effect of sawtooth activity on tritium and beam deuterium evolution in trace
tritium experiments on JET”,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 No 11 (November 2005) 1877-1893
I. Voitsekhovitch, V. Kiptily, V. Goloborod'ko, S. Popovichev, V. Yavorskij
and K.-D. Zastrow,
“Modelling of alpha-particle behaviour in H-mode plasmas with trace tritium at
Nucl. Fusion 47 No 7 (July 2007) 599-611