This page acts as a repository of useful JETdsp standard sets which can be used to load in sets of TRANSP signals quickly.
- Data consistency checks - Neutron rate and stored energy.
- MNEUT : Measured total neutron flux
- BTNTS : Calculated neutron flux from beam-target interactions
- BBNTS : Calculated neutron flux from beam-beam interactions
- NEUTX : Calculated thermonuclear neutron flux
- NEUTT : Calculated total neutron flux
- EFIT_WCDI : EFIT calculated diamagnetic energy
- WP_EFIT : EFIT MHD plasma energy
- WPC : Plasma energy calculated from TRANSP as the sum of the plasma bulk thermal energy and 1.5 times the fast particle perpendicular energy.
- Data consistency checks - Synthetic Interferometer.
- LIDx : KG1V/LIDx - The KG1V interferometer measurements
- NEINT1x : Corresponding TRANSP synthetic interferometer values