File: modules/ Version: 1
TrExp ... Export transp files to processor
2.10 10Sep2001
2.10 10Sep2001
Use File::Do, remove local file routine
2.01 16May2001
Dont delete TSD link after import
Delete all TSD after reset
2.00 14May2001
Rewrite of 1.10
1.10 10Apr2001
Add opt to return files,
add option ( copy/move etc ) to file names..
1.01 06Apr2001
Workaround - make links to /jachome, not /localhome
opt { Export - files at start of run
Import - files at end of run
Reset - files if run aborted }
File options
Ex Im Re
. - file n/a at this time y
e - export file to TSD y
l - link TWD file to TSD y
d - delete TSD file y y
i - import file from TSD y
u - unlink TWD file frm TSD y y
r - restore backup in TWD y
-- Now process the files
if( $opt eq "Res" ) {
`rm -v $to"/*"' ; `rm -v $to` ;
`rm -v $from"/\@TSD"` ; }Use: strict Routine Comment Arguments