Overview of scripts required to build Transp codes
See also - List of Known Problems
A library or executable <elem> has the following directories (under codesys); mpi elements have in addition the (mpi_)<elem> directory
The shell script $SC/Target aids traversing these directories; >source $SC/Target defines aliases Target, Source, Obj, mpiObj, Make, mpiMake. Target <elem> then sets $CSTGT to <elem>, after which the aliases Source, mpiObj etc provide the commands 'cd $CODESYSDIR/source/<elem>', 'cd $CODESYSDIR/obj/mpi_<elem>',
LLjob will submit any script from codesys/csh as a
loadleveller ( == grid engine) job.
Arguments -
eg - >LLjob linkcheck.csh 00 clean,noexe
Library makefiles are constructed by cmsmms, using the contents of source/<elem>;
cmsmms creates makefiles ( in make/(mpi_)<elem> ):
The file source/<elem>/<elem>_mpi.inf flags the requirement to build an MPI variant.
Sample makefiles -
trmpi_a | trmpi_init_o |
$(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a: \ $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a(trmpi_env_update.o)\ $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a(trmpi_init.o)\ $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a(trmpi_listener.o)\ $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a(trmpi_t4_lunset.o)\ $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a(trmpi_timer.o) csh -f csh/finishlib $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a include make/trmpi/trmpi_env_update_o include make/trmpi/trmpi_init_o include make/trmpi/trmpi_listener_o include make/trmpi/trmpi_t4_lunset_o include make/trmpi/trmpi_timer_o |
ifndef trmpi-trmpi_init-make trmpi-trmpi_init-make = TRUE $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a(trmpi_init.o): source/trmpi/trmpi_init.f90\ $(LOCAL)/obj/trmpi_helper/trmpi.module_tag\ $(LOCAL)/obj/portlib/logmod.module_tag\ $(LOCAL)/obj/portlib/execsystem.module_tag csh -f csh/tcomp source/trmpi/trmpi_init.f90 $(LOCAL)/obj/trmpi/trmpi_init.o csh -f csh/ckreplace $(LOCAL)/lib/trmpi.a $(LOCAL)/obj/trmpi/trmpi_init.o endif ifndef trmpi-trmpi_init-modincl trmpi-trmpi_init-modincl = TRUE include make/trmpi_helper/trmpi_o include make/portlib/logmod_o include make/portlib/execsystem_o endif |
>uplib <elem> runs make, with input file make/<elem>/<elem>_a, and argument -k ( keep going) by default. The flags may be overwritten by setting $MAKE_FLAGS. If "new" is provided as the 2nd argument, then the library and object files will be deleted, to force a complete rebuild.
If $UPLIB_LOG is defined, then the return code (from make) is written to the file $UPLIB_LOG (JET extension, see linkcheck.csh ). A status of 1 is returned if <elem>_a is not found. Status 2 is returned if any file fails to compile.
A file source/<elem>/<elem>_exe.link indicates that source/<elem> contains the source for a Transp executable
This script reads a file $CODESYSDIR/source/<name>/<name>_exe.link It writes files in $CODESYSDIR/make/<name> :-
<name>_exe.link may contain 3 different types of input -
anything else is ignored.
tcomp_test and tcomp_testlib were originally written to debug the
tcomp script, but provide a useful quick check on a new Transp version
tcomp_test_exe.link | tcomp_test.mk | tcomp_test_o |
tcomp_test.o tcomp_testlib.a mdstransp.a portlib.a $L_NETCDF $L_HDF5 |
#! /bin/csh -f # build code: check each library + the executable: tcomp_test cd $CODESYSDIR if ( $1 != "nolib" ) then csh -f csh/uplib tcomp_testlib csh -f csh/uplib mdstransp csh -f csh/uplib portlib endif make -f make/tcomp_test/tcomp_test_o cd $LOCAL make -f $CODESYSDIR/make/tcomp_test/tcomp_test_x |
ifndef tcomp_test-tcomp_test-make tcomp_test-tcomp_test-make = TRUE $(LOCAL)/obj/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.o: source/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.f\ $(LOCAL)/obj/tcomp_testlib/mtest_mod.module_tag csh -f csh/tcomp source/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.f $(LOCAL)/obj/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.o endif ifndef tcomp_test-tcomp_test-modincl tcomp_test-tcomp_test-modincl = TRUE include make/tcomp_testlib/mtest_mod_o endif |
tcomp_test_x | tcomp_test.sh | |
exe/tcomp_test:\ obj/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.o\ lib/tcomp_testlib.a\ lib/mdstransp.a\ lib/portlib.a csh -f $(CODESYSDIR)/make/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.sh
--> #! /bin/csh -f # load a non-debug version of the code: tcomp_test cd $LOCAL csh -f ${SC}/linkload exe/tcomp_test\ obj/tcomp_test/tcomp_test.o\ lib/tcomp_testlib.a\ lib/mdstransp.a\ lib/portlib.a\ $TRLIB_PATH \ $L_NETCDF \ $L_HDF5 |
Libraries required for external packages ( netCDF, MPI etc ) are referenced by environment variables, conventionally $L_<libname>; for example,
L_NETCDF=/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_61/external/lib/libnetcdff.a /common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_61/external/lib/libnetcdf.a \ /usr/lib/libhdf5.so /usr/lib/libhdf5_hl.so /usr/lib/libhdf5_fortran.so
Since the variable references are in the .sh file, the values are resolved when the code is built, not when the makefiles are constructed. This allows libraries to be changed, without rebuilding the make files. The symbols are defined in configdir/libdef.csh;
At JET, the system libraries are compiled with pgf, while Transp uses Lahey. Lahey versions have been built where necessary (see /home/pshare/lib ) and are linked from $TRANSPROOT/external
uplink <elem> {nolib} will rebuild exe/<elem>; if the 2nd argument nolib is provided, then the library dependencies will not be rebuilt (which saves time if only the executable source has been modified). uplink exeutes the (csh) script make/<elem>/<elem>.mk
If $UPLINK_LOG is defined, then the return code (from <elem>.mk) is written to the file $UPLINK_LOG (JET extension, see linkcheck.csh )
tcomp is a script to compile all Transp source files, on all supported platforms.
Optional Arguments ( in any order)
must precede the required arguments
Files used
Optional -
The logic by which the compiler options are defined is inpenetrable, but the utility optest may be used to display the results for any library or executable. If all else fails, then setting $CODESYS_DEBUG = 1 will echo the commands, and also prevent deletion of the intermediate files in compsc/<elem> . Unfortunately, the amount of output produced makes this less useful than might be hoped.
module handling
public module files are stored in codesys/mod or codesys/mpi_mod, while private module files are stored in obj/<elem>/. tcomp used codesys as a working directory, and the script $SC/move_mod would then move the .mod files as needed. Unfortunately this was poorly implemented, and if simultaneous builds were in progress, .mod files could be copied to the wrong directory. tcomp now sets $TCOMP_SRC to the name of the file being processed, and $SC/Get_All_Options adds a line "-M<directory> to the compiler options, to direct the .mod file to the correct location, so that move_mod is no longer required
optest displays the compiler options used for any element, and optionally for a constituent file :-
>optest tcomp_testlib mtest_mod optest: executing Get_All_Options ... mtest_mod.for tcomp% -I- used: /common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/config/User_options options finished ------> optest output for LINUX ( LaheyFujitsu ), tcomp_testlib(mtest_mod) f90opt = lf95 -c -O --trap --trace -Wa,--32 \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/compsc/tcomp_testlib \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/obj/tcomp_testlib \ -M/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/mod \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/mod \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/external/mod \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/external/inc f90debug = lf95 -c -g --trap --trace --chk a,e,s,u \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/compsc/tcomp_testlib \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/obj/tcomp_testlib \ -M/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/mod \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/codesys/mod \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/external/mod \ -I/common/transp_shared/Code/transp/JET_64/external/inc |
In this example, mtest_mod is the source for a public module, so -M flags the codesys/mod directory.
linkcheck is a script to recreate all Transp binaries from the source files, using the make files. It does not recreate generated code or make files - see code_daemon for this. The script linkcheck.csh is also available (at JET) to perform the same function. It can run more than one build operation (uplink, uplib) at the same time, and has additional options.
'everything' to check sglib 'nolib' to suppress library rebuild 'nolink' to suppress exe/* rebuild 'files' run check_cmsmms 'notest' dont rebuild exe/*test* 'pro' build production executables ( only ) - those required by JETtransp 'noshare' to suppress rebuild of shared libraries 'nolinkmake' to suppress make_eqtoks or anything which is shared among architectures 'clean' only attempt link if libs OK 'vclean' halt on 1st library build error ( for debugging.. ) 'dbg' sets $CODESYS_DEBUG (beware excessive output) 'svnupd' Runs subversion update in each directory, before uplib/uplink. NB this will only work if changes are minor,
so the existing makefiles will work'continue' Dont update directories a second time (on reruns...) See $SC/svn_cmd linkcheck accepts a single argument from the above list. linkcheck.csh will parse a string containing more than one argument, separated by commas or other punctuation characters - eg
>linkcheck.csh clean,proIt also halts if an unrecognised argument is encountered, and can provide a list of recognised arguments, if invoked with none.
$NO_XTRANSPIN suppress xtranspin rebuild if defined $MPI_ENABLE enable MPI builds if defined $CODESYSDIR $TRANSPROOT/codesys $WORKSTATION_TYPE $FORTRAN_VARIANT select compiler used on Linux Calls
lockcheck lock manager (Disabled - more trouble than its worth) check_cmsmms regenerate missing or suspect library makefiles check_sglib ( if opt = 'everything' / if not nolink ) Rebuilds graphics package uplib Builds a library uplink Builds an executable
linkcheck.csh first builds libraries in lib.public ( ie those which provide modules required in other libraries) sequentially, then the remainder, submitting up to 5 simultaneous instances of uplib ( or uplink ). Linkcheck.csh creates a working directory (under $LOGDIR) and each uplib or uplink process writes a separate logfile to this directory. The status returns are written to uplib.log or uplink.log. This has two advantages -
When used in conjunction with the svnupd option, considerable time savings may result.
Module handling See tcomp for details of changes to the .mod file handling, which are required to allow multiple simultaneous builds.
Looks for library directories, for which no file libincl/<elem>.dat exists. This file is created by ckmodules, (called by cmsmms). [ This will only check that the makefiles exist - they may not be up to date ?? ]
code_daemon is the main script used to build a new version of Transp, after an update. It runs the code generators, rebuilds the make system, then calls linkcheck.csh to build the executables. This may take many hours.
Since code_daemon does not parse an argument list, only one of these options can be given
nofiles | Dont remake make files |
quicktest | Run checks only |
linkonly | Relink codes & libs only |
linkbuildonly | Relink codes & libs & build data only |
nomake | Dont check the make files |
nolink | Dont relink the codes, libs |
nojava | Dont compile java code even if JCODESYSDIR is defined |
Calls :-
Script | if | Function |
ckdirs | Creates all directories under obj, compsc & make | |
make_begin | Creates basic utilities needed by cmsmms & makelink | |
trdatgen | !( nofiles, quicktest,
linkonly, linkbuildonly ) | Runs code generators for trdat routines |
check_gen build | Runs do_build, if necessary | |
check_gen plotgen | Runs do_plotgen ( generates routines for plot output ), if necessary | |
checkfiles | Runs checknames to enforce naming conventions | |
ckcontents | Checks if source added or deleted, forces rebuilds where required | |
nxlist_check | !( linkonly, linkbuildonly ) |
Creates namelist description file - config/nxlist.summary |
checkmake | !( nomake, quicktest,
linkonly, linkbuildonly ) | rus checklib, checkmake, which conditionally run cmsmms or makelink |
linkcheck.csh | !( nolink, quicktest ) | Builds the binaries |
make_eqtoks | !( nolink, quicktest, linkonly ) | Rebuild tokamak data (for JSOLVER ? ) if necessary |
trcom_gnames | !( nomake, quicktest,
linkonly, linkbuildonly ) | ?? |
preact_init | Initialise reaction rate tables |
In most cases, problems can be fixed by updating the source code and rerunning linkcheck. Sometimes it is necessary to rerun cmsmms or makelink, if missing source elements (or directories) have been located; it is rarely necessary to rerun code_daemon.
recompile_all deletes all binaries, al intermediate source files (in compsc) and all .mod files ( codesysdir/mod, /mpi_mod ) If the argument nocomp is given , it exits. Otherwise, it runs make_begin and check_sglib. If argument is "nolinkcheck", it then returns, otherwise it will run linkcheck.csh with the argument string provided..
rebuild_lib deletes binaries & .mod files associated with a library, then rebuilds it (with uplib). rebuild_prog does the same for an executable (with uplink).