V. Introductory Guide to Running Standalone Unix TRANSP.
To TRANSP, TOKAMAKS are identified by 3 or 4 uppercase character names. To add a name,
modify the file
and add a 1 line record with format equivalent to the records already present in the
file. On unix systems, only the first field in the record is of importance; the fields
Y1=..., Y2=..., ACL=... are not used. These fields are holdovers from the VAX version of
the code.
If you modify TOKAMAK.DAT, when done invoke the command
to create TRANSP input and output directories for the newly named tokamak.
Input to TRANSP is provided in two forms:
- physics data, in Ufile format,
- namelist control data, in modified namelist format.
A detailed discussion of Ufiles and namelist is beyond the scope of this document.
Additional information may be found in the documents referenced in
$CODESYSDIR/doclist.doc. The documentation is not necessarily complete, nor is there
necessarily adequate tutorial information for a newcomer to the system. If you need help,
send mail to dmccune@pppl.gov to seek advice.
It is generally expected that the user of a Unix TRANSP system will have access to high
quality tokamak data. At PPPL, this source is the VAX-based data acquisition/analysis
system for TFTR and PBXM, and the associated TRANSP run production system. A namelist from
the TRANSP production system may be copied directly to the Unix machine (however, old
namelists may have to be converted with the fixnl program, as would also be required to
make the TRANSP run on the VAX system -- in order to make pre-1992 namelists compatible
with the 1992 and later versions of trdat).
Generally, to move Ufiles to the Unix system, they must be converted to a portable
Ufile format first (at PPPL, many legacy VMS Ufiles exist in a fast, compact, but
non-portable 16-bit compressed binary format). A trick is provided for doing this. In a
clean VAX working directory, modify a copy of the namelist for the TRANSP run of interest:
in the $TRDATA section add the specification
SCLREQ(1)='$UFCOPY' ! makes portable ascii Ufiles
SCLREQ(1)='$UFBINARY' ! makes portable binary Ufiles
then run TRDAT on this namelist. The $UFCOPY specification causes TRDAT to write out an
ascii copy of each Ufile it reads in, placing these copies in the local working directory.
The $UFBINARY specification causes TRDAT to write a portable binary copy of each Ufile in
the local directory. These copies are suitable for downloading to a Unix machine. For
ascii Ufiles and for namelists, use ascii ftp; for portable binary files use binary ftp.
Note -- be sure to remove the SCLREQ(1) specification -- or soon, all your TRANSP runs
will be writing duplicate Ufiles everywhere.
For a given tokamak (say, TFTR) the Ufiles should be copied to the directory
$DATADIR/TFTR. Alternatively, a subdirectory such as
may be used, provided the specification
is added to the trdat section of the transp run's namelist.
The namelist for the run should be placed in the Unix machine's appropriate tokamak
working directory, e.g. $WORKDIR/TFTR if the tokamak is TFTR. Note that UPPERCASE letters
are always used for tokamak names.
Once the Ufiles and namelist are in place, the procedure for making the run is similar
to the procedure used for making the test runs described above:
% cd $TRANSPROOT % cd $WORKDIR/<tokamak-id> % pretr <transp-run-id> # set up the run -- specify shot year yy % runtr <transp-run-id> # make the run % haltrun <tokamak-id> <transp-run-id> # if you change your mind... % rmonitor # check run status % restart_check # restart run after system crash
The run writes a log file to a log file in the working directory. If the run crashes,
it may have to be debugged, and the log file is a good starting point.
When the run successfully completes execution, the working directory is cleaned up.
Permanent output files are copied to the directory
where tok.yy is a tokamak-shot-year indicator, e.g. TFTR.88 for 1988 TFTR shots. The
year code yy was specified at pretr time.
The log file of the successfully completed run is copied to $TMPDIR.
The output of a successfully completed run may be studied using the interactive
plotting program rplot.