To run the TORIC ICRH code within TRANSP one needs to provide the following: poloidal geometry information for the antennas, information about the toroidal spectrum of the antennas (either directly by specifying mode numbers or via antenna phasings), powers and frequencies of the antennas and the settings configuring how TORIC runs. The poloidal geometry information is automatically written to the namelist by OMFIT. The powers and frequencies can either be manually defined by the user or read in automatically from the PPF system. At present it is up to the user to specify the correct toroidal mode spectrum based on the antenna phasings. The default is to simulate a single toroidal mode with N=27 for each antenna as this is the dominant mode number in dipole phasing.
To turn on the TRANSP ICRH model set the variable NLICRF to .TRUE.
. Then to select the TORIC 5
ICRF heating code set NICRF=8. The number of active antennas is set by the variable NICHA.
RGEOANT_A(i,j): This specifies the R coordinate of the i-th poloidal point on the j-th antenna.
YGEOANT_A(i,j): This specifies the Z coordinate of the i-th poloidal point on the j-th antenna.
RFARTR_A(j): This specifies the distance from the j-th antenna to the Faraday Shield (cm).
When not reading the antenna power and frequency signals from the PPF system the following switches can be used to manually configure the ICRH antennas:
TONICHA(j): This sets the time when the j-th antenna is activated. (s)
TOFFICHA(j): This sets the time when the j-th antenna is de-activated. (s)
FRQICHA(j): This sets the frequency of the j-th antenna. (Hz)
PRFICHA(j): This sets the power of the j-th antenna. (W)
At present the power spectrum of the ICRH antennas is specified directly by defining the set of toroidal mode numbers to simulate and the fractions of the total power of each antenna to be assigned to each mode number. The default behaviour is to simulate a single representative mode, N=27, which is the dominant mode when dipole phasing is being used. The following switches allow the definition of the toroidal power spectrum:
NNPHI(i,j): The i-th mode number to be simulated for the j-th antenna.
WNPHI(i,j): The fraction of the total power of antenna j to be assigned to the i-th mode
(with mode number NNPHI(i,j)).
NUM_NNPHI(j): The number of toroidal modes to be simulated for antenna j.
TRANSP allows the RF heating of multiple minority species. If RF minority heating is desired the total minority density is set as a fraction of the electron density using the namelist entry FRMINI:. The minority species are then defined using the following switches:
FRACMINI(i): The fraction of the total minority density allocated to the i-th
minority species..
AMINI(i): The atomic weight of the i-th minority spcies.
XZMINI(i): The charge of the i-th minority species.
The following controls are used to define how TORIC runs.
NMDTORIC: The number of poloidal modes to simulate. (TRANSP default=15)
NFLRTR: Include ion finite Larmor radius corrections. 1=included, 0=ignored,
-1 = order reduction algorithm, -2 = order reduction with automatic suppression of spectral pollution (default=1).
NFLRETR: Include electron finite Larmor radius corrections. 1=included, 0=ignored (default=1).
NBPOLTR: Include electron finite Larmor radius corrections. 1=included, 0=ignored (default=1).
FLRFACTR: Adjustment factor for FLR terms in the ion current (TORIC). (default=1.0)
NBPOLTR: Include poloidal magnetic field. 1=included, 0=ignored (default=1).
NLFI_MCRF: Turn on the ICRH fast ion Monte-Carlo kick operator. 1=included, 0=ignored (default=0).