
Requesting a TRANSP Run

The TRANSP expert team offers modelling support aimed at interpretation, prediction and development of plasma experiments at JET, spanning a wide variety of plasma operation conditions. If you would like to assess whether your experiment or analysis might benefit from TRANSP support please contact the current TRANSP RO. In case you wish to request TRANSP support please observe the following JET Task Force Leader guidelines:

All requests should be communicated to a Task Force Leader - this is to discuss the scientific goal of the analysis, prioritize the modelling effort, and have it approved by JPEC. Please note that the need for prioritization depends on the number of existing TRANSP requests, capacities needed to support the ongoing JET campaigns, and availability of TRANSP experts.

Check that the data needed to prepare the TRANSP analysis is reasonable and validated - this means that a request for data validation has been filed and successfully completed for specific measurements. The data that is usually input in TRANSP includes the magnetic equilibrium (EFIT reconstruction), electron density, electron temperature, ion temperature, rotation, bolometry, ZEFF. For an average run the following diagnotics need to be validated (if available): High Resolution Thomson Scattering, KK3 Te, Lid3, Impurity Ion Temperature (KS5), Edge CX. You can quickly check the status of data validation for individual discharges in the JET Dashboard under the 'Validation' tab, and request individual signals to be validated through the ReqCo portal.

Provide detailed information about the requested TRANSP analysis - which facilitates for the request to be completed in an effective and timely manner. The information should include clearly defined analysis goals, desired physics modules and output. Please specify whether a TRANSP expert has already agreed to perform the analysis, or if you would like one to be assigned to the project by the current TRANSP RO.

Once you consider the above guidelines sufficciently addressed, please fill in the TRANSP analysis request through the ReqCo portal. Please specify the JET discharge number and tick the 'TRANSP' box under the 'Data Processing' category. On the form of the following page indicate the time interval you require a TRANSP run for. If you will communicate the details of the run configuration individually to the assigned TRANSP expert, this is all the information that is required and you can simply submit the form using the Submit button at the bottom. If you have particular datasets you wish to be used for the TRANSP run, the optional plasma profile data fields allow you to specify which PPFs you would like to be used for the various input data sets TRANSP can be given. Finally there is a comment box which allows you to specify any further information about how you wish the run to be configured. Once the form is submitted an email will be sent to the TRANSP RO alerting them of your request. The TRANSP expert team will aim at contacting you after the ReqCo submission, in order to further discuss the specifics of the requested analysis, and the results once the initial analysis is completed.
