
TRANSP @ JET Users Pages


Revamped OMFIT Tutorial Series
(Starting March 5)

We are excited to announce the beginning of a new set of OMFIT tutorials! These sessions will be targeted at newish OMFIT users as well as existing users that need a refresher. However, many modules have evolved significantly since the original series was presented, so this is a great opportunity to discuss updated workflows and capabilities. Even advanced users may benefit. Everyone is welcome!

Read more details
Published on: February 28, 2024

About us

This site is dedicated to the description of the modelling code TRANSP, and its use at JET. These pages contain TRANSP information aimed at both beginner and experienced users. The TRANSP code is developed at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), and is widely used at tokamaks around the world for interpretive and predictive plasma simulations. A wealth of information about TRANSP can be found by visiting the refurbished PPPL TRANSP website or its predecessor. TRANSP runs using JET data are prepared, submitted and fetched through the OMFIT integrated modelling framework on JET Data Centre (JDC - former Heimdall cluster) cluster. OMFIT's development is being led by a core team at General Atomics, with coding contributions from numerous labs - it is a collaborative project based on a GitHub repository, soon to become open-source. The responsible officer for TRANSP and OMFIT at JET is Michał Poradziński - for help with OMFIT or TRANSP simulations, individual tutorials, Heimdall environment set-up, or TRANSP analysis requests please contact the RO via email or UKAEA's Teams. MAST-U related TRANSP work should be done on UKAEA's Freia computational cluster, with the information available on a dedicated webpage - the OMFIT and TRANSP RO at MAST-U is Bhavin Patel. TRANSP operations at JET fall under the remit of Plasma Core Group (Plasma Science and Fusion Operations Division) led by Žiga Štancar .

Please navigate the webpages through the link panel on the left - the information you can find varies from a description of what the capabilities of TRANSP are, instructions on how to request a TRANSP analysis, to steps on learning how to run TRANSP yourself. The TRANSP community at JET is experienced, vibrant, and welcoming - if you wish to join the community and receive updates on important code discussions, issues, or presentations you are encouraged to sign up to the wonderful TRANSP user group mailing list. You can do this by looking up your own name/username in the Phone Directory on the JET Intranet Homepage. At the top of the page is an array of tabs, one of which is named 'My Data'. Click on the 'edit' link below it, find the TRANSP users group entry and set the tab next to it to 'YES'. TRANSP users regularly meet in meetings organized jointly with JINTRAC modellers. To look at presentations from past TRANSP user meetings as well as other TRANSP relevant documents, use the link on the left to visit the TRANSP sharepoint. For information about running BEAST (BEtween and Amongst Shot TRANSP) please see this wiki page.

The contacts of researchers previously responsible for TRANSP at JET are archived in the TRANSP RO Hall of Fame: James Buchanan, Michael Fitzgerald, Hyun-Tae Kim, Stuart Henderson, Žiga Štancar , Jim Conboy

Please note that this website is being updated continuously. If any information that you require is missing, you would like to suggest improvements, or you think something is incorrect then please contact Michał Poradziński.

Last Updated : M. Poradziński, February 27 2024