
TRANSP Output Signals

This page lists some useful TRANSP output signals, note that it is nowhere near complete. It will be gradually expanded as I learn what more of them are. The full, albeit usually cryptic, list of signal names and descriptions is contained within the file 'runID'TF.PLN which is created in the TRANSP working directory of a run. An example of one of these files can be viewed here but it should be noted that different namelist switches can result in different signals being written and consequently this may not contain exactly the same set of outputs as a different TRANSP run. The other option is to search through the list of entries in JETdsp.

1D Signals (Functions of time only)

AIMP : Average atomic weight of impurities.
ASHAF : Shafranov Shift.
BBNTS : Neutron flux due to beam-beam interactions.
BPCAP : Beam power captured.
BPHTO : The total fast ion heating
MNEUT : Measured total neutron flux
NEUTT : Calculated total neutron flux
PCUR : The measured plasma current
PCURC : The calculated plasma current
PINJ : The total beam power injected
PLFLXA : The enclosed poloidal flux.
POHT : The ohmic heating power.
PVOL : The plasma volume.
Q0 : The Q value on axis.
RAXIS : The magnetic axis location.
SFUSN_4 : The total Helium 4 fusion source rate.
T0RECYC : The average wall recycling gas temperature.
T0GASFL : The average gas flow temperature.
TAUA1 : The total energy confinement.
TAUEE : The electron energy confinement.
TAUEA : The thermal energy confinement.
TE0 : The electron temperature on axis.
TEPED : The electron pedestal temperature.
TEPEDW : The electron pedestal width.
TFLUX : The enclosed toroidal flux.
TI0 : The ion temperature on axis.
VSUR : The measured average surface voltage.
VSURC : The calculated average surface voltage.
XZIMP : Average atomic charge of impurities.
YAXIS : The Z location of the magnetic axis in an asymmetric plasma.

2D Signals (Functions of time and space)

BPOL : The poloidal magnetic field
BPTL : Plasma beta toroidal
BTROT : Rotation beta toroidal
BTTOT : Total beta toroidal
CONDE : Electron heat diffusivity
CONDI : Ion heat diffusivity
CONDIWNC : NCLASS calculated Ion heat diffusivity
CONDIWNCD : NCLASS calculated D+ heat diffusivity
CONDIWNCE : NCLASS calculated electron heat diffusivity
CONDIWNCX : NCLASS calculated impurity heat diffusivity
CUR : Total plasma current
CURB : Beam driven current
CURBS : Bootstrap current
CURBSWNC : NCLASS calculated Bootstrap current
CURFI : Fusion ion driven current
CUROH : Ohmic current
DIFFB : Anomalous fast ion particle diffusivity
DIFFD : Effective D+ ion particle diffusivity
DIFFE : Electron particle diffusivity
DIFFI : Ion particle diffusivity
EHEAT : Total electron heating
ETA_USE : Resisitivity used or inferred
ETA_WNC : NCLASS Neoclassical Resisitivity
FTOTDT : Total D-T Fusion rate
IHEAT : Total ion heating
NE : Electron density
NFI : Fusion ion density (including impurities)
NI : Total ion density (including impurities)
NIMP : Total impurity density
NUSTE : Electron Collisionality
NUSTI : Ion Collisionality
OMEGA : Toroidal Angular Velocity calculated by TRANSP [RAD/SEC]
OMEGDATA : Toroidal Ang.Velocity Data [RAD/SEC ]
PLFLX : Poloidal Flux
PMHD_SM : Smoothed total pressure used as input to equilibrium solver
POH : Ohmic heating power
PPLAS : Plasma thermal pressure
PRAD : Total radiated power
Q : Q profile
RZON : Radius of flux surface
SBAL_D : D+ ion particle balance
SBAL_ION : Total ion particle balance
SHAT : Magnetic shear
SSHAF : Shafranov shift
TAUE : Plasma energy confinement time
TAUPE : Electron particle confinement time
TAUPI : Ion particle confinement time
TE : Electron temperature
TEBAL : Electron energy balance
TEE : Electron energy confinement
TEI : Ion energy confinement
THNTX : Thermonuclear neutron flux
TI : Ion temperature
TIBAL : Ion power balance
TRFLX : Toroidal flux
TTNTX : Total neutron flux
TX : Impurity temperature
UBPOL : Poloidal magnetic field energy density
UBTOR : Toroidal magnetic field energy density
UE : Electron energy density
UFASTPA : Fast ion parallel energy density
UFASTPP : Fast ion perpendicular energy density
UFIPA : Fusion ion parallel energy density
UFIPP : Fusion ion perpendicular energy density
UI : Ion energy density
UTHRM : Thermal energy density
UTOTL : Total energy density
V : Voltage
VELB : Anomalous fast ion radial velocity
VELD : D+ radial velocity
VELE : Electron radial velocity
VELIAV : Density weighted ion average radial velocity
VELIM : Impurity radial velocity
VEL_TE : Electron energy radial velocity
VEL_TI : Ion energy radial velocity
ZEFFP : Plasma Composition ZEff.
ZEFMD : MAGDIF ZEff (value computed by equilibrium solver if NLPCUR=.T & NLVSUR=.T).

