File: modules/ Version: 2.37
File ... files - File manipulation w. error checking
File::Test Test & verification for the File module
File::DelList Deletes a list of files
File::Do Execute file system command strings
Ftest executes file system tests
Fcmd executes file system commands
prterr formats output
File::Find Interface to the find command
find $name, starting from $root. Returns list
File::InDir Returns list of files in a directory, omitting ".", ".."
File::lc linecount for file $_[0]
File::Name Construct a file name from the argument list..
Newer .t if 1st file is newer than 2nd
Age Returns file age, in minutes
File::Target Returns target of a link, else "" if not link
File::Tmp Write temporary file
File::Dir_nm Return the directory & name portions of file name ..
File::Dollar aka Thomas ( Cook ) - Pounds to dollars..Use: Err
strictRoutine Comment Arguments Access Returns file access string.. Age return file age ( mins ) else -1 if no file DelList DelList
Deletes all files in the argument list, if they exist..
First element is directory, prepended to the file namesDir_nm Return the directory & name portions of file name ..
my( $directory, $file ) = dir_nm( $TheFileName ) ;
New at 1.10 20Jun2001Do eg
my($st) = File::Do( "-f nblist.out ? cp -v nblist.out ./nowhere/tmp.dat " );
-- parse argumentDollar aka Thomas ( Cook ) - Pounds to dollars..
File::Dollar( $IBM_file, $Unix_file );
New at 1.10 20Jun2001my( $f1, $f2 ) = @_ ; Fcmd Run the Command Find find $name, starting from $root. Returns list
$opt = -follow Include linked directories
-maxdepth,0 Current directory onlyFtest File, directory tests.. InDir Returns list of files in a directory, omitting ".", ".." IsNewer t if ARGV[0] is newer than ARGV[1]
03Apr2007 + dt ( mins ) df 0my( $f0, $f1, $dt ) = @_ ; Last returns 'Last'=last modified file in a directory my( $dir, $fnm ) = @_ ; Mtime returns Modification time Name Construct a file name from the argument list.. Sed Run sed.. my( $old, $new, $olds, $news ) = @_ ; Sedg Run sed, global subs my( $old, $new, $olds, $news ) = @_ ; Target Return target of a link.. Test Test File routines
03Jan2008 jec
Tidy up IsNewer testTmp Write temporary file V Print version number
Version Infodu Returns diskspace used ( in kb ) getfstat Acquire File::Statb gid returns gid ( of file ) lc linecount for file $_[0] uid returns uid ( of file )