File: modules/ Version: 3.12;
Use: Err
strictRoutine Comment Arguments BadWhd Check file protection on Whouse directory DbOwner On Database ? FindRes Find the results file
3.12 Test upper & lower casemy( $shot, $seq, $opt ) = @_ ; FindResd Find the results directory..
2.11 add option to create directorymy( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; FindStatus return matching entry FindWhf Find .cdf file in warehouse directories my( $shot, $seq, $opt ) = @_ ; FindWhfile Find file in warehouse directories,
cycle thro leading zero combinationsmy( $shot, $seq, $name, $opt ) = @_ ; FindWk find a file, in $WORKDIR.. my( $shot, $seq, $nm ) = @_ ; FindWkd find a file, in $WORKDIR.. my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; FixCdfLink fixup if .cdf 'file' in whouse is in fact a link.. my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; GetStatus fill @Whouse::STATUS with list of all _status files; read from a file for debugging GetWkf copy a file from the work directory.. my( $shot, $seq, $name, $twd ) = @_ ; GoodWhf check file characteristics ListWhcdf List (valid) warehouse files Name Handle file names Orphans process one run - check database, work directory Qseqdir Return T if whouse directory exists my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; Test Testbed for Whouse UnZipSav unzip .sav.tgz file V Print version number Whouse ... Utilities for JETtransp / data warehouse I/f archf Archive a run my( $shot, $seq, $wdir ) = @_ ; cdf_link Maintain links CNN.CDF, used by jetdsp my( $shot, $seq, $to ) = @_ ; cdfptr check out the cdf pointer ; $opt = {W|1} for {log op | silent }
1 No results directory
2 Pointer is not a link
3 Target does not exist
Args >>my( $shot, $seq, $opt ) = @_ ; dc_cache manages cache of returns dc_ex return .t if item exists in data cache my( $shot, $seq, $opt ) = @_ ; dc_get Retreive files from data cache to warehouse directory my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; dc_ls List data cache directory my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; dc_put Transfer data for ($shot,$seq) from Warehouse subdir $wdir to the data
warehousemy( $shot, $seq, $wdir ) = @_ ; dc_test return .t if item exists in data cache my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; dirnm construct warehouse directory name for $nshot: 00NN___/00NNNNN find_all Where is it ?? findcdf return shot, seq #s of cdf files
( as array of space separated shot & seq :-
"54321 C00", "54321 C02", ...
1.nn 10Jun2002 look for .cdf.gz as wellfix_cdfptr edit ptrs following disk move
03Sep2003 jecinit set up some directories initC Initialise counters move move a single run.. my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; move_test move a single run.. ( test version ) my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; movef move the files
my @files = qw( trd inf status cdf ) ; 2.14movem Move ( lots of ) runs npre leading zeros.. retrieve .. from the w/house my( $shot, $seq ) = @_ ; rmwhf remove the warehouse files unzip unzip files if necessary