
Running TRANSP : Archive & Tidy Steps

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Once a run has completed and you are happy with the results you can archive the run. This will copy the results of the run as well as important input files such as the namelist and the run status file to persistent storage. Please note that if you have entered the run in the database and flagged it as having successfully completed you should archive it otherwise the data can be lost. Note that you cannot run the arch step without having successfully completed the dbase step. To archive the run type:

JETtransp 'runID' step arch

The arch step moves the output data to the TRANSP data warehouse /common/transp_shared/Data/whouse/JET/. The naming conventions in this folder are such that a run with ID 50621E01 would be placed in the subdirectory /common/transp_shared/Data/whouse/JET/0050___/0050621/e01/, i.e. the top subdirectory name is determined by the first two digits of the shot number padded with 2 zeros in front. The output data will remain here for a period on the order of months before eventually being deleted. The archive step also copies this data to a cassette where it is stored indefinitely. Once the data has been removed from the warehouse directory it can only be accessed by being recovered from the long term cassette archive. If you need an old run recovered please contact the TRANSP ROs.

Once the run is archived you can clean up the run directory by typing:

JETtransp 'runID' step tidy

After this you can delete the working directory for the run. It is very important that these steps are completed otherwise old run data can clog up the TRANSP shared disk. Many users stop once they have a netCDF file they can use and do not bother updating the database, archiving their runs or tidying their run directories. This has led to data being lost or forgotten about entirely. Please take the time to complete these last few steps to ensure recoverability.

If you wish to archive all the runs in your user working directory which are ready to be archived you can use the JETsum script:

JETsum -a

Similarly to tidy all runs which are ready to be tidied type:

JETsum -t

The last optional step which allows the user to create an MDS+ tree is the mdstr step. Note that if you require an MDS+ tree you must run this step prior to tidying the working directory.

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