
Running TRANSP : Plabel & Prep Steps

Next (runMPI step)
Back (Trdat step)

An excerpt of the TF.PLN file

The plabel step is executed by typing:

JETtransp 'runID' step plabel

Note that it is not possible to run this step unless the trdat step completed successfully. If this is the case then running JETtransp stat will list the plabel step as Ready. This step executes a utility which creates a file named 'runID'TF.PLN in the TRANSP Working Directory ($TDD). This file contains definitions of the output quantities from the run and axis labels for them and was originally used by the plotting tool RPLOT to plot outputs. An excerpt can be seen on the right. This program also creates a second file in the TWD called 'runID'TR.INF which contains summary information about the configuration of the run. This can be a useful reference to check that the run is set up as you wish.

The prep step is executed similarly by typing:

JETtransp 'runID' step prep

This step creates a directory in the TRANSP Working Directory called TSD which serves as a staging directory for the run. The files which are to be copied over to the server where the job is to run are copied into this folder prior to the run being submitted.

Once these steps are complete it is time to submit the job. The next step is runMPI.