
Running TRANSP : Trdat Step

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The trdat step is executed by typing:

JETtransp 'runID' step trdat

Note that it is not possible to run this step unless the data step completed successfully. If this is the case then running JETtransp stat will list the trdat step as Ready. This step executes a program called TRDAT which checks the consistency of the input data. This involves checking that all the required data for the specified namelist settings has been provided and that it has adequate time and space coverage. It checks the units of the data and does some conversions if required. It then maps all the input data onto a common time base before writing a Unified Physics File : 'runID'PH.CDF which is the ultimate input to TRANSP.

There are several errors which can occur at this point dependent on the input data given. For information on how to resolve these issues please see the troubleshooting section. Note that it is not possible to continue with the execution of the run until the TRDAT step has executed successfully. Once it has the next step is the Plabel step.