Getting Started with measure errors
Define error measures
Load PPF with measure errors
Manipulate measure errors
Plot signals with errors
Jetdsp for IDL Home Page
JETDSP - Error signals

Load signal errors for a given PPF in Jetdsp

To load a PPF with its error signals, select YES on "Read error signals" from the "Read a signal" menu window. The URL will change to include the option "&ES=1".

Read Panel example

Note that Jetdsp will remember this option for the subsequent signals.
If a 3D signal is sliced Jetdsp will automatically slice the error signals if available in order to correctly preserve the sizes.

The main Jetdsp signal window will display the status of errors associated with a signal in the "E" column. The possible values are:
  • Y - the signal has error signals associated and they are correctly loaded
  • N - the signal has no error associated
  • Err - the signal has error signals associated but there was an error loading them

Jetdsp Main Table

If the signal error are correctly loaded it is possible to see more information about them by double clicking on the "Y". Information about the error types and the error signals associated are shown. An example of the information about the error signals is given below.

jetdsp error types 2 and 3 info

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