Reading new types of data.It is possible to read new types of data into JETDSP using the processed signals dialog. This should be viewed as a workaround since a new extendable 'Read Signal' dialog will be introduced in the future.
To read data into JETDSP a new function should be written and both the A dummy code for reading data is given here. This code just creates a function, this could easily be changed to get the data from either a file or a different function. To use this function, copy it into your AddIns directory and compile and save it. Then run JETDSP and enter the following in the signal processing dialog.
For an example that actually gets data see here. This example requires the direct PPF client. To use it fill in the signal processing dialog as shown below.
For further information about reading data in this way please contact Data and Coding, whose address is linked at the bottom of the page.