Graphics are very slow
My plot is empty
My plot window is too big
How do I read 'unread' signals?
Displays with a limited number of colours
JETDSP can't read my data
Slow graphics on Unix
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How do I read MDSplus data?
I'm having problems printing
I try to plot data and the ranges are wrong.
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My processed signals won't reshot
How do I get a crosshair cursor?
How do I zoom in both X and Y?
How do I read PPFs into IDL?
I can't make colors work on my plots
My plot disappears after being covered by another window

JET terminals with a limited number of colours

If the terminal you are running on does not have sufficient colours, you may find that:
  • The whole JETDSP plot window is grey, or
  • as you move the mouse from one window to another, the whole display flashes and the windows not in focus turn a different colour, usually black

If the machine on your desktop is a 'thin client', you may be able to work around this problem by doing the following:

  • log out of the JAC and JETNET
  • log in again, but select 'X terminal' rather than 'JETNET' from the initial menu it gives you when you first log on
  • this will then give you a direct terminal to JAC rather than a session on a terminal server. Note that you can still log on to JETNET from within a JAC session.

If the machine on your desktop is an 'EIGEL' terminal, please contact (phone 5224) as they can reconfigure this type of terminal to run at a lower resolution to give more colours.

In general, if you have what looks like a systematic and repeatable problem with the colours that JETDSP is using on the screen, you can limit the problems by running the low colour version by typing jetdsp_lowcol at the Unix prompt.

Note that if your terminal does have a limited number of colours, then all programs that you run will compete for them. In particular:

  • Netscape can consume a lot of colours. Try not running it, or running it in a reduced colour mode (netscape -ncols 64)
  • An unrestricted IDL program or session will consume all the remaining colours for the terminal in as soon as it generates a plot window. Contact us for advice on how to restrict this for your IDL program or IDLDE session.
  • SAS and Matlab will also request a lot of colours from the terminal - try not to run more than one of these at a time!

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