Graphics are very slow
My plot is empty
My plot window is too big
How do I read 'unread' signals?
Displays with a limited number of colours
JETDSP can't read my data
Slow graphics on Unix
I have created a CGM file, how do I edit it?
How do I read TRANSP data?
How do I read MDSplus data?
I'm having problems printing
I try to plot data and the ranges are wrong.
Where are my IBM standard sets?
My processed signals won't reshot
How do I get a crosshair cursor?
How do I zoom in both X and Y?
How do I read PPFs into IDL?
I can't make colors work on my plots
My plot disappears after being covered by another window

Slow Graphics on Unix

Unix platforms give slow drawing speeds sometimes. This is because IDL-Jetdsp uses object graphics, which are rendered more quickly on platforms (such as the PC) that have hardware acceleration.

A related bug is the turquoise background on the Linux graphics window through Exceed.

To work around this problem, use "On screen graphics mode: Software 2" which can be selected from the Graphics Preferences dialog.

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