Changing timeslice or event reasonsBoth timeslices and events can have reasons set to indicate why they are of particular interest. When automatically created, timeslices do not have reasons set, but they can be set using the timeslice editor at a later point. Those timeslices for which reasons have been set are marked to prevent their removal by any later reprocessing of the timeslice PPFs. Event data must always have reasons associated with it. Various categories of reasons exist. For timeslices, there are currently seven reason categories. These are
There is currently only one reason category for event data, EVR. Modifying timeslice reasonsTo add or change the reasons for a timeslice, select the Reasons option of the right mouse button menu. An option to select either Timeslice, or Event reasons will be displayed. Select Timeslice Reasons as below. Clicking on a timeslice with the right mouse button will cause a blue dashed marker line to be displayed above the timeslice selected, and a window to be displayed to allow reasons to be selected or de-selected for that timeslice, as below. The existing reasons in all the timeslice reason categories can be displayed and selected, clicking on a reason in the list will toggle between its selection and de-selection. If reasons already exist, they will be indicated as already selected. Select or deselect the reasons as desired and then click OK. These reasons will then be stored to PPF if the timeslice data is saved to PPF. Modifying event reasonsEvent reasons can be modified in a very similar manner to timeslice reasons. Select the Event option, rather than the Timeslice option as before, and click with the right mouse button above the event point of interest. A window will then be displayed listing the available event reasons, and indicating those already selected. At least one reason must remain selected, as it is not possible to have an event point for which no reasons are selected. If the event point is no longer wanted, it should be deleted. |