Reading JPF DataWhen running JETDSP on the JAC or Solaris machines at JET you can read JPF, LPF and DPF data directly using GETDAT. To read this sort of data choose the Read Signal option from the File menu of the main window, or from any plot windows which you have created. Then select the JPF button at the top of the window which is now created: You can enter the pulse, subsystem and node name in the top half of this dialog.If the data is online JPF data you can get a list of available subsystems via the list button next to the subsystem field. Once the pulse and subsystem have been entered a list of all the available nodes can be recalled by clicking of the 'List' button next to the node field. This brings up a dialog similar to that shown below. In the bottom half of the JPF dialog it is possible to specify what type of data you want to read. Note that these options are saved between sessions. This can be either online or offline data and can be JPF, LPF or DPF data. Currently for all LPF data you need to specify the diagnostic as well. You can read the data in several different ways. The method to be used is specified by the 'Data type' option selected. There are 5 methods currently provided.
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