Layout'Layout' here refers to how plots of signals are arranged relative to one another in the plotting area on the View/Print window. The Layout dialogThe layout dialog is invoked from the View/Print window by choosing 'Layout' from the 'View' menu: Rows and ColumnsHere, rows and columns refer to how a single View/Print window is split up to provide separate areas for sets of axes. By default each page is configured to use one column of plots with as many 'rows' of one plot as necessary. This behaviour can be requested explicitly by setting the number of rows to zero and the number of columns to one. See here for details of how the separate plots within a View/Print window are numbered. Plot SquashingBy choosing to Squash plots together you can eliminate the additional axes that are present for each plot when space on the page is limited, for example when you have several plots in one column. As an example consider the following plot using the default setting (no Plot squashing): after selecting Vertical plot squashing the same plot looks like this, with a single labelled x-axis for all plots: Horizontal plot squashing has the same effect for View/Print windows with more than one column, and no effect for single-column View/Print windows. RangesUsing the boxes at the bottom of this dialog it is possible to set explicit vertical ranges for each plot and horizontal ranges for each column of plots using the boxes at the bottom of this dialog. Type the minimum and maximum values into the appropriate boxes and click on the use box. These can be toggled on and off as required. When these values are altered the 'use' box is automatically set. |