PreferencesThe Preferences dialog is invoked from the main JETDSP window by selecting 'Preferences' from the 'File' menu. It allows you to change various parameters for the program, and is split into five sections. After changing the parameters you need, click the 'Exit' button to apply the changes and close the dialog. Note that the changes will only be saved for use in future JETDSP sessions if you click the 'Save...' button. The different preferences panels are explained at the following links: Data Access Graphics Printed Graphics Interactive program Overall Setup Printed/Export Graphics PreferencesThe 'File-Preferences' dialog has several parameters controlling what is sent to the printer and exported files: Choose 'Hardcopy type: Colour' to send output to the printer in which different line styles have been changed to colour lines. NB: Several of the preferences in this dialogue box do not apply when using the "Export for Publication" feature. Those which do apply to publication exports are "Include title" and "Hardcopy type". By default:
If you are using Helevetica or another TrueType font and intend on using Greek symbols in annotation on your exports or hardcopy printouts, you will need to use !9 instead of !4. The list of Greek letters can be found in the table on the CCFE Fusion Wiki. !4 still works for the Hershey font on-screen. Remember to click 'Save...' if you modify any parameters otherwise they will be lost for the next session. See also: Data Access Graphics Printed/Export Graphics Interactive program Overall Setup |